Moving when falling - defying gravity

tomeglenntomeglenn Member Posts: 6
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have an issue that I can't seem to resolve.
My character moves using Change Velocity (although I have tried Accelerate AND Move) and can move Left and Right at a speed of 300.

This all works fine, but when I walk my character off an edge, he falls due to me having set the Gravity of the Scene to 1000 in the Y axis. This is great, but if I repeatedly hit Left and Right, I can effectively defy gravity briefly. It seems that moving left or right temporarily stops the character from falling.

I kind of understand why this is, changing the character's velocity is effectively nulling any downward velocity - but how can I achieve the desired falling effect whilst maintaining the ability to move left and right whilst falling?

Any help is much appreciated.


  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    I never use scene gravity, on anything i want effected by gravity i just use an accelerate down behaviour at the desired speed. That should fix what you're saying
  • tomeglenntomeglenn Member Posts: 6
    Hey thanks for the reply.
    However, that solution wouldn't work very well for me as I plan on having levels with different types of gravity. (As extreme as making everything upside down)

    I've managed to fix this by changing my movement to Accelerate and setting a Max Speed on my character and ticking the Apply Max Speed box. The Deceleration effect you get when using this method (when you let go of a movement key) is fine in my in my case as my character is a ball so it feels more realistic.

    The Platformer template helped a lot :)
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