How to create a game similar to bubble pop?

TrinityDevTrinityDev Member Posts: 6
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I want to develop a game that is similar to bubble pop. How do I make it so that the player touches the bubble to make it "pop"? Also how would I go about making the bubble wrap ascend as the game play proceeds? Any help is greatly appreciated along with a basic step by step guide because I am just starting with game salad and would like to know how to make this. Thanks!


  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    If you're just starting out i suggest you read as much of the forums as possible, take a look at the wiki, cookbook and youtube videos. You'll learn loads from there. Then come back with questions if you're stuck, it seems like you're basically asking for template without trying or learning first.

  • TrinityDevTrinityDev Member Posts: 6
    Actually I've been looking in both already and couldn't find anything so i was just lookin for some advice thats all.
  • COBGamesCOBGames Member Posts: 114
    basically all you have to do is have a bubble actor that when touched you can animate it to pop and then destroy the actor after that.

    rule if bubble is touch pressed
    timer - after 2 seconds (or how long animation is) destroy actor.
  • TrinityDevTrinityDev Member Posts: 6
    COB, thanks for your help! What i was wanting was when you start the level the bubble moves up automatically and when you touch it it pops, how do i do that? Would that be an attribute?
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Trinity, do this:

    Have your bubble actor, inside that do this:
    Move (behavior) in which direction you want, and at what speed. (You can also animate it.)

    Rule: When touch is pressed,
    destroy this actor (this is also a behavior)

    Hope this helps
  • TrinityDevTrinityDev Member Posts: 6
    I have been playing with that and going back and forth, but when i make the rule over and the directions and stuff the only way to make him move is with a touch of some sort. What am I doing wrong?

    Thank you for your help Braydon
  • COBGamesCOBGames Member Posts: 114
    don't put the move in the touch rule
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