Making a character selection
Hey everyone, thinking of adding a character selection into my game and just wanted some thoughts on the best approach for implementing this. Say if you can choose to be a 'man' or 'woman' in the game. I'm thinking to make an integer attribute e.g. if =1 change image to man, if =2 change image to woman; and the same for all the animations. Or would it be better to have a ready made scene for man and woman e.g. if attribute =1 change scene to the 'man' one etc. I'm guessing the first method would be more memory efficient. Is there any other way to do this?
Here is how I did it:
Rule: When Touch is pressed
When is true:
Change Image to Man
Rule: When Touch is pressed
When game.woman is true:
Change Image to Woman.
I used the same actor and just unlocked it.
Hope this makes sense.
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