Hard reality - No autosaving of projects in GS?

RobiwanRobiwan Member Posts: 9
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
First of, I´m embarrassed by actually admitting this, after using computers for over 25 years I should know the lesson by now. But this is what happened: Just about 3-4 days ago I´ve discovered GS. And full of eager and enthusiasm I started exploring, in about 2-3 hours of using the program I decided to make a simple app/game with GS. And been now working long hours to make it a reality. So today, about 10 minutes ago GS crashed and when I try to look up my project it was all gone!

I guess it´s my own fault, I should know to save and to save often. But I guess I was to eager to think of it. Guess it just a reminder to all of you out there, save your projects often for gods sake :) and to the GS-developer team, how-about adding and out save of your projects. The drawback of making interesting software is that people might get so eager that they forget to do boring things like - saving... :(


  • RobiwanRobiwan Member Posts: 9
    Robiwan said:
    First of, I´m embarrassed by actually admitting this, after using computers for over 25 years I should know the lesson by now. But this is what happened: Just about 3-4 days ago I´ve discovered GS. And full of eager and enthusiasm I started exploring, in about 2-3 hours of using the program I decided to make a simple app/game with GS. And been now working long hours to make it a reality. So today, about 10 minutes ago GS crashed and when I try to look up my project it was all gone!

    I guess it´s my own fault, I should know to save and to save often. But I guess I was to eager to think of it. Guess it just a reminder to all of you out there, save your projects often for gods sake :) and to the GS-developer team, how-about adding and out save of your projects. The drawback of making interesting software is that people might get so eager that they forget to do boring things like - saving... :(

    Guess it´s time to reconsider that backup solutions I never get time to start...

  • RobiwanRobiwan Member Posts: 9
    Wow... Actually managed to make a double post swell. Think it´s time for bed. Good night
  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    Hey dont worry man it happens to the best of us. While GS has gotten A LOT more stable in the last couple of months it is also still a beta software so you have to remember to always save your work especially before you click the preview button because that is where GS tends to crash more.

    I suggest you also use dropbox or time machine in case you loose your computer or if your computer dies on you, you don't have to start all over again.
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