Interpolate Question

azimpactazimpact Member Posts: 112
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have an actor I'm moving with Interpolate.

What is the method to get that actor to spin on it's axis in a continuous spin?

I've tried random(5,180) and various other combinations and I can get it to spin but only once.

Is there a method to interpolate spin on an actor a continuous spin?



  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    why dont you use the rotate behavior?
  • hotMagichotMagic Member, PRO Posts: 266
    our collectibles do that, and we just set them to rotate at X rate. you can combine that with interpolate...
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    to have a continuos rotation with interpolate have it like so:

    have the actors rotation set at 0

    have a Rule: when attribute self rotation = 0
    -interpolate self.rotation to 360
  • azimpactazimpact Member Posts: 112
    I didn't use the rotate because the actor is not movable so it won't work. At a certain point, there were to many moveable actors on the screen and it bogged it down, so I switched them all to interpolate and made non moveable which improved the performance greatly.

    I got them to rotate by by using the interpolate with self rotation and setting the time to allow for it to travel to where it's going while it's rotating.
  • azimpactazimpact Member Posts: 112
    John, That worked way better that what I had!!!

    Thank you!!!!
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    azimpact said:
    John, That worked way better that what I had!!!

    Thank you!!!!

    If you happen to need it to go the opposite direction use -360 and you can adjust the speed with the duration setting.
  • theCodeMonsterstheCodeMonsters Member Posts: 359
    Yep just through a rotate behavior on it.


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  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    theCodeMonsters said:
    Yep just through a rotate behavior on it.

    He is using NON-movable actors. Therefore Rotate behaviors do not work. Interpolate is the only awesome way to go. :)
  • azimpactazimpact Member Posts: 112
    Good stuff guys!!!! Thanks again,,,

    It's amazing the difference it makes when you don't have a bunch of moveable actors on the screen. The game now only has 1 moveable actor and it is performing pretty darn good on a 2nd generation device where as before it started to choke...

    Interpolate is the way to go for sure!!!
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