Need Help with Actor/Image
Hello all,
I seem to be having an issue while making my App. The issue i am having is when I use an Actor as the Ground/Mountains. I created an Image to take the place for the actor but when I place the next actor (Ball) that is going to follow the terrain but instead it just follows the outline of the ground/mountain actor. How do I make my actor(ball) follow the image and not the actor outline.
Thanks for all your help
Why Cali Team
I seem to be having an issue while making my App. The issue i am having is when I use an Actor as the Ground/Mountains. I created an Image to take the place for the actor but when I place the next actor (Ball) that is going to follow the terrain but instead it just follows the outline of the ground/mountain actor. How do I make my actor(ball) follow the image and not the actor outline.
Thanks for all your help
Why Cali Team