Cycle through Inventory - HELP NEEDED!

DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, I'm struggling with this and don't know where I'm going wrong.
Here's a simplified version (with less items):

I have an Inventory Display Actor which shows the image of the current active item.
I have a Cycle Button Actor which cycles through your collected items.

There are 3 items that can be collected:
Key1 (Integer attribute which is either 1=not collected, 2=collected and in inventory, 3=used and removed from inventory)

Key2 (same integer system used)

Key3 (same integer system used)

OK, so in my Inventory Display actor I have these rules:

If InvDisplay (integer) =0 > change image to NO ITEM IMAGE
If InvDisplay (integer) =1 > change image to KEY1 IMAGE
If InvDisplay (integer) =2 > change image to KEY2 IMAGE
If InvDisplay (integer) =3 > change image to KEY3 IMAGE

Then in my CycleButton I have these rules for each possible InvDisplay integer:

If Actor Receives Touch + InvDisplay=1
Change Attribute InvDisplay =2

If InvDisplay=1 + Key1=1
Change Attribute InvDisplay =2

If InvDisplay=1 + Key1=3
Change Attribute InvDisplay =2

The idea being that if you touch the cycle button and key2 hasn't yet been collected it'll cycle straight to key3 - which if collected will be displayed.
However, its just not working. I've tried numerous variations and I'm having no luck.

I realise I may be asking a biggie here - but hope someone has the kind heart to puzzle over it for me!



  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    Nevermind - sorted!

    The problem was I was using multiple 'if actor receive touch' rules within the Cycle Button Actor.
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