La Cucaracha Beta Testing Is Open For Next 20 Minutes!!!
Hey Guys,
I'm sending out the first beta in twenty minutes, if you'd like to be a tester you can sign up here
(You're still welcome to join after 20 minutes, but the first beta is being sent out in 20!)
I'm sending out the first beta in twenty minutes, if you'd like to be a tester you can sign up here
(You're still welcome to join after 20 minutes, but the first beta is being sent out in 20!)

It works extremely well. When there's a bug, they usually fix it within the next daily build.
Thanks Again!
In the pause menu, a menu button is definitely on it's way. I'll find a way to implement a tutorial
That might help in sales!!
Looks nice too.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Also please show some respect for our forum. This certainly does not belong in "working with gamesalad"
Moving now.
The second beta will go out tonight after we fix some issues
Thank You!
You had to register within he 20 minutes above to receive the first beta. For all people who registered late, you will be receiving the beta 2.0 later tonight.
I don't really want to be a beta tester, do you have some screen shots of the game play.
Did you program the game entirely by yourself in Corona, or did you have help from someone who was already familiar with Corona?
To be honest I don't see how this thread is any different from the last one QS closed down.
I did hire an artist though, I can't draw straight lines for my life
Yes this thread isn't much different to the one QS closed down but then neither is Joe's (FMG) but no-one would dare shut that down. Any tom, dick and harry i can understand but both Joe and Matt were GameSalad users so there should lie the exception.
Thanks man.
@Tenrdrmer, I was hired to take on La Cucaracha in GameSalad originally. When GameSalad could not handle all the animation (not being rude, Corona had a hard time handling it too for a while). At the same time, I was interested in learning Corona. So, I hired Cristian to build the project with me over Skype.
I don't really see anything wrong with that, but if you do, okay
The reason why I'm posting here is because I still have several friends here and I'd like to keep this community close to my games.
Sure Next Gen had a part in creating this game but he is simply providing free advertising for someone else's corona game. Im my book thats spam. I made no stink over his other Coming soon thread about a game he says is his. While I think Joe has earned a bit more leeway since his work with GS basically laid the groundwork for how most of us make our games. and He didn't Leave because GameSalad couldn't handle it. He left cause GameSalad came out with a ridiculously stupid idea.
And no nextgen i'm not trying to make you look bad. Im looking for the truth. Im so sick of kids coming on here and twisting and distorting their stories for one reason or another. If you feel that me cutting the BS and asking for the truth makes you look bad then maybe, just maybe, your embarrassed about the truth. and if you are embarrassed about it. maybe its cause you know its not right.
Joe does not come here spouting stuff about 'rival' software, providing 'helpful' links to said software, nor insulting people here for using GS (as seen on Matt's website, apparently).
Additionally, Joe still has stuff published with GS - the recent Grisly Manor for the Chrome store is a good example, along with his other games ported to html5.
Joe also offers useful advice on the forums here, is still a sous chef, and is greatly respected.
There seems to be a little gaggle of users that want to make themselves feel better about their decision to move from GS by putting it down, or trying to steer others towards rival software.
I mean, this is made in Corona. Why is Matt not trying to get support from *their* forums? I've seen nothing on there about getting beta testers for this game. I may be wrong.
I have nothing against Corona per se - in fact, I pointed a friend towards Corona just the other day over GameSalad as he's an android developer.
But using the goodwill of the GS community for something unrelated to them just smells wrong to me.
So in short, Matt:
*Post in the correct section in future.
*Keep the GS bashing/Corona eulogising out of your posts.
*Keep your supercilious attitude in check please.
*Give credit where it's due. You did not do this all yourself, and it's not even your game at the end of the day (it's for a 'client').
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
A game that is not written using the software this community is about and has no relevance to them.
A community that you put down at every opportunity for using a piece of software you insist is 'limited' that you no longer use?
You are on thin ice here as it is, in my opinion. I suggest you read the points I made again.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
A. Nothing other than GS games on these forums.
B. You can post if you are/have been a GS user and it is a game by yourself for yourself.
C. All games can be mentioned.
D. Same as B but doesn't have to be a game for yourself.
Rules need to be set and matched accordingly, they can't be different for different people or we will forever have these threads and debates.
Again, this is no dig at Joe, man i wish he was still over here more, he was one of the best and most useful, clever blokes i came across! Oh and i hope he keeps posting about his game, it is looking amazing and i like following it.
Matt, the main thing which irks people is the GS bashing and Corona praising, that needs to be completely eradicated. Take a leaf from Joe, i never see him complain about GS and i never see him mention Corona.
I have also never seen a game by you but i would bet a pretty penny it won't be half as good as some of the games produced from GS devs so the whole limitations thing you keep mentioning is even more annoying.
I guess the way I look at it is this:
We delete threads by people just 'advertising' games not made with GS. The place for stuff like that is the Touch Arcade forums. These get deleted straight away.
This includes stuff made in Corona.
The reason we let *some* slide and be included (including Joe's) is that they are still active members of this community. As I mentioned, Joe comes on and helps out, gives advice, and is generally respected by most people here.
Matt has said he's leaving the community. And as I mentioned in my first post about this, he needs to lose the GS bashing/Corona eulogising from his posts.
And Matt - you seem hung up on this age thing. Truth is, nobody cares. The secret to getting a good online presence is this:
Consistently produce good, original work. Don't be a dick.
Nothing to do with age at all. You need to lose that chip on your shoulder, sir.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Im my opinion heres what I think the rule should be
A. Nothing other than GS games on these forums.
with the exception
B. You can post if you are/have been a GS user and it is a game by yourself for yourself.
Or pull the Non-Gs Game news threads off the main page and let it be a free for all of spamming.
and let's back on topic
do you have beta 2 ready?
Beta two is on its way, adding sound effects. I'd like to say it'll be ready relatively soon.