How to make a weapon appear and then walk over to pick it up?

dunhamgiantsdunhamgiants Member Posts: 5
edited November -1 in Tech Support
sorry if i put this in the wrong section or something I'm new to this forum. I REALLY need help though pleeeeaaassee. How can i make a weapon appear after killing an enemy on the screen and then the character walks over it and picks it up so he can use it. For example after killing an enemy a gun appears and then you walk over it and now it is in your hand and now you can shoot with it....

Please any way of help will be helpful. A video tutorial would help me the most but i will take any help i can get! Thanks

Btw i am creating a game for iPhone/ipad if you need to know this


  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    Don't know if this will help but try searching the " cookbook ". It might be posted there.

    Hope this help.


    Gryphon's Realm
  • GruntGrunt Member Posts: 109
    You spawn the new weapon as an actor when enemy is dead at the desired position. When your character collides with it change character image to with weapon or constrain the weapon position to your character once they collide or overlap...have you already configured killing the enemy?
  • dunhamgiantsdunhamgiants Member Posts: 5
    @grunt no i have not gotten to configure killing the enemy new at game salad and I'm still trying to figure all this stuff out. thanks for your guys help!
  • GruntGrunt Member Posts: 109
    i would suggest few things.
    1.A game is not made overnight with GS. i am average good at things. It took me 2 months to make first game with GS
    2. Do it in a step by step manner.
    3. dont haste n try to get it all.
    4. Divide game into scenes.
    5. Take one scene at a time.
    6. See what will appear first on the screen. Find ways to make Back grounds and things appear. then make actors appear.
    7. and then make them do thing. one by one.
    8. each step will be a problem. Solve it. Look up in the cook book. Watch closely all TShirt booth tutorials and few others by GEndai games
    9. Learn as you go.
    10. It will take some time but it is eventually easy .
    11. Remember youve to do it yourself No one can tell you what to do at each step. Its all there in the help files on the net n youtube. If you can't follow that, people will assume you cant do it so won't help at all.

    Kill the enemy first then worry about spawning the gun!
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