Great Sounds Pack!

OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys I am giving away all my Sound Effects..
I am selling them because I am starting my College in Mexico
and I need money. I am studying professional Graphic Design(:
I am so excited and I would really like if you guys can buy this Mega Pack
that I brought for you. Sincerely it´s a really good price. I worked a lot on this Mega Pack
to make it perfect for you. I am searching through my hard drive for all the things
that I am going to be selling during the next couple of days.

Check them Out!

All Sound Effects:

- Ambience (+ 410)
- Animals ( + 80)
- Apocalypse ( + 240)
- Booms ( +115)
- City ( +15)
- Explosions ( +35)
- Foley ( +145)
- Horror ( +35)
- Impacts & Crashes ( +165)
- Interfaces ( +50)
- Jingles ( +200)
- Machines ( +25)
- Mech/Teck ( +80)
- Misc ( +65)
- Notions & Transitions ( +500)
- Nature (+25)
- People ( +140)
- Sci-fi ( +135)
- Sony SFX ( +65)
- Sports ( +85)
- Stringers ( +55)
- Texture and Atmosphere ( +235)
- Transportation ( +215)
- Twitch ( +10)
- Various Sounds ( +25)
- Weapons ( +120)
- Whooshes ( +100)
- Work - Home ( +310)

+ FREE Sound Designer Tool Kit
- More than 600 Sounds Exclusive for Games, Logos & Buttons

In Total there are + 4280 Sound Effects! (22 gb) FOR YOUR GAME!

For a Total of $64.99 (discount for 3 days… after that it will raise to $74.99)
Via Paypal to :

After you pay, send your transaction number and complete name, and It will take around 10 to 15 min to get them(:
All the files are compressed in a .ZIP.

They Sound so good I exported each one with a nice plugin from Pro Tools 8 ( I want Pro Tools 9!!!): )
Thanks, have a great day!

MY EMAIL IS : (if you want to contact me)


  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    Oops, I forgot to say that also has Firework Sounds!
  • lollollollol Member Posts: 45
    Do you have any samples of "Logos & Buttons" ?
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    I am join to be uploading a video with examples in the next couple hours, but sincerly they are good I used a couple for my last projects of the school(:
    lollol said:
    Do you have any samples of "Logos & Buttons" ?

  • rePlayrePlay Member Posts: 23
    It seems like a good deal but how exactly do you plan on transferring 22gb of data?
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    I use this webpage, to send emails up to 10gb, so I normally send around 3 or 4 emails
    rePlay said:
    It seems like a good deal but how exactly do you plan on transferring 22gb of data?

  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    Im interested, but i need to see/hear some samples first!
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    Let me update some
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    In 5 minutes I am going to post a video showing examples of the audio, and just for the next couple days I am going to make a special offer of this audio.

    All Audio is going to cost $35.00(:

    paypal account:

    after payment email me!

    And I will send the files

  • boscomadisonboscomadison Member Posts: 14
    I paid for these...sent the guy my info in the paypal and I also sent a separate email with my contact info and still a day has passed and no download links.
    If I hear back from this guy I will post a update of how long it took for him to respond; but until then you take your chances until this guy is verified
  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    I couldn't hear any sounds in the video?
    Yeah lets us know if you get them and if they are worth it!!!!
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    boscomadison said:
    I paid for these...sent the guy my info in the paypal and I also sent a separate email with my contact info and still a day has passed and no download links.
    If I hear back from this guy I will post a update of how long it took for him to respond; but until then you take your chances until this guy is verified

    hey what happen
    email me to
    to send you the pack
    I am sorry but as I say on the thread my email is
  • boscomadisonboscomadison Member Posts: 14
    Gone into the second day...still with no download link.
    I see his message above but all he had to do was look at the paypal payment message and send the download info to the email I sent to him then. Since then I have sent my email again to his email right after he posted above and still no you tell me, "Hey what hapened" ???????????
    This is just an example that people should take the time to setup immediate download capability thru paypal so the customer doesn't have to wait and wonder what's up!
    Or at least contact the customer as soon as possible immediately after you grab the money from paypal...heck the contact info is right there in the paypal payment for Cris' Sake.
    Am I being to hard on him or am I being patient enough...I'm still waiting ???????
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    boscomadison said:
    Gone into the second day...still with no download link.
    I see his message above but all he had to do was look at the paypal payment message and send the download info to the email I sent to him then. Since then I have sent my email again to his email right after he posted above and still no you tell me, "Hey what hapened" ???????????
    This is just an example that people should take the time to setup immediate download capability thru paypal so the customer doesn't have to wait and wonder what's up!
    Or at least contact the customer as soon as possible immediately after you grab the money from paypal...heck the contact info is right there in the paypal payment for Cris' Sake.
    Am I being to hard on him or am I being patient enough...I'm still waiting ???????

    For everyone saying why should the forum marketplace get closed for the official one? this is why. Quality control.
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    boscomadison said:
    Gone into the second day...still with no download link.
    I see his message above but all he had to do was look at the paypal payment message and send the download info to the email I sent to him then. Since then I have sent my email again to his email right after he posted above and still no you tell me, "Hey what hapened" ???????????
    This is just an example that people should take the time to setup immediate download capability thru paypal so the customer doesn't have to wait and wonder what's up!
    Or at least contact the customer as soon as possible immediately after you grab the money from paypal...heck the contact info is right there in the paypal payment for Cris' Sake.
    Am I being to hard on him or am I being patient enough...I'm still waiting ???????

    I already send you a email...
    and I am join to give you back the money plus give you for free the music..
    I told you on the email that It will take 3 hours
    And now you say alot of stuff to make it look bad..
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    where you from?
    looks like my time is different..
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    For everyone saying why should the forum marketplace get closed for the official one? this is why. Quality control.

    do you work for gamesalad?
    yeah thats why..
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    I Have the links already!
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    My friend boscomadison already received all the information to download everything!
    I will make sure he posts something back here on the forum so you guys can see that I am not lying about it and that it is a really great opportunity, I am sorry for the problems but i have been looking around on how to transfer almost 15 gb of compressed files and I found out how with Megaupload.

    The Price is not again back to $65 dollars, but I will give you for free 1 Premium Month Membership in Megaupload so you can download the files!

    The Membership have a value of $9.99 EUROS.
    and Its free!!

    Let me know if you are interested at
    So I can send you the video of the sounds because for one reason is not accepting my audio format):
  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    When you get it downloaded, let us know bosco.
  • boscomadisonboscomadison Member Posts: 14
    Ok, i'm in the process of downloading the first file now.
    The file is large 10GB so it will take me some time to get it all.
    about another hour to go
    I'll give some more reviews after I open the file and sample the audio files and let you know.
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    Here I have the same video but in vimeo and works perfectly!

  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    ozielcp said:
    Here I have the same video but in vimeo and works perfectly!

    This is nothing compare to all the audio sounds!
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    Oziel Trevino
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    Can someone please close this thread because I am going to open a new one!
    This one is so messy.
    Thank you so much
    Oziel Trevino
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    Hey guys I am giving away all my Sound Effects..
I am selling them because I am starting my College in Mexico
and I need money. I am studying professional Graphic Design(:
I am so excited and I would really like if you guys can buy this Mega Pack
that I brought for you. Sincerely it´s a really good price. I worked a lot on this Mega Pack
to make it perfect for you. I am searching through my hard drive for all the things
that I am going to be selling during the next couple of days.
    Check them Out!
    All Sound Effects:
    - Ambience (+ 410)
- Animals ( + 80)
- Apocalypse ( + 240)
- Booms ( +115)
- City ( +15)
- Explosions ( +35)
- Foley ( +145)
- Horror ( +35)
- Impacts & Crashes ( +165)
- Interfaces ( +50)
- Jingles ( +200)
- Machines ( +25)
- Mech/Teck ( +80)
- Misc ( +65)
- Notions & Transitions ( +500)
- Nature (+25)
- People ( +140)
- Sci-fi ( +135)
- Sony SFX ( +65)
- Sports ( +85)
- Stringers ( +55)
- Texture and Atmosphere ( +235)
- Transportation ( +215)
- Twitch ( +10)
- Various Sounds ( +25)
- Weapons ( +120)
- Whooshes ( +100)
- Work - Home ( +310)
    + FREE Sound Designer Tool Kit
- More than 600 Sounds Exclusive for Games, Logos & Buttons
    Here´s the video that shows how they are ready… just DRAG&DROP!

    In Total there are + 4280 Sound Effects! (22 gb) FOR YOUR GAME!
    For a Total of $64.99 (discount for first 10 days… after that it will raise to $74.99)
Via Paypal to :

    After you pay, send your transaction number of paypal, complete name, the username that you want to use for the megaupload account and the password for the account and It will take around 10 to 15 min to get them(: (Plus the time of download)
All the files are compressed in a .ZIP.
    They Sound so good I exported each one with a nice plugin from Pro Tools 8 ( I want Pro Tools 9!!!): )
Thanks, have a great day!
    MY EMAIL IS : (if you want to contact me)
  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    Sounds cool!
  • boscomadisonboscomadison Member Posts: 14
    I bought this set of audio files and I have just finished downloading the first set.
    I've got to say WOW this is a Humongusly Huge selection. It is just plain MASSIVE. I'm finding almost every sound effect and ambiance I could imagine. Audio quality is fantastic!
    This one purchase is going to fill all my sound needs for all my games for a long time.
    And for the price he is asking it is a total bargain. I've paid more to other sellers for a whole lot less and in just one category. This set has just about every category covered to fill every need.
    This first file was 10GB in size just to give you an idea of how much stuff is here. And he is sending me another file to download as I write this. So you can just image the deal he has.
    I'd say to buy it while you have the chance!
    I'll give some more feedback after I download the next file and give it a listen to.
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    fzeed there a new thread
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    Do you have any ninja/oriental sounds?
  • ozielcpozielcp Member Posts: 90
    LeonardDeveloper said:
    Do you have any ninja/oriental sounds?

    the pack have many cartoon sound move..
    and weapon sounds
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