Lion... is okay now?

theCodeMonsterstheCodeMonsters Member Posts: 359
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Alright so as you all know GameSalad has been told to be "allergic" to lion. but because I have multiple computers I upgraded one of them. And so far GameSalad is absolutely just beautiful on the new OS! Maybe its because of the new Lion update (10.7.1). Its awesome! Thanks to the "resume" feature on Lion, whenever you open up gamesalad it opens back up to the exact spot in your project you left off on! This is amazing! I'll keep you guys updated on this thread!


  • redmasqu3rad3redmasqu3rad3 Member Posts: 58
    any new development with GameSalad and Lion? Have you tried using the iOS Viewer with the latest version of Xcode (4.2) and any problems there? I'm thinking of upgrading to Lion but just want some opinions before I upgrade, but I may just bite the bullet anyway :D
  • mu-kowAPPSmu-kowAPPS Member Posts: 233
    I'll be getting a MacBook pro tomarrow with lion on it. I'll post how it works out for me
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    There are many thread for this, and the answer is yes, it's fine. Some people have problems, but most are fine.
  • EwokPDEwokPD Member, PRO Posts: 35
    I work on a MacBook pro with lion. And while game salad crashes 4-5 times an hour, from reading the forums I suspect that is to do with game salad stability rather than a specific lion problem.

    So long as you save your work after ever line of code and keep multiple versions of the save you should never lose much work. Just progress can be slow some times due to crashes.
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