Looking for help on building a feature of the game.

whycaliwhycali Member, PRO Posts: 87
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello All,

1) I am trying to destroy an actor when the actor is flipped 180 degrees.
180 Destroy

I know i am asking for a lot but like I have said on my last post I am new to GS.

Why Cali.


  • whycaliwhycali Member, PRO Posts: 87
    If there is a tutorial or a video that would be helpful just please point me in the right direction :)
  • COBGamesCOBGames Member Posts: 114
    I'm not positive but couldn't you set a rule on the actor's rotation like:

    if self.rotation > 270 then destroy actor

    i'm not positive that will work cause i don't have my mac with me right now to try, but give it a shot.

    although this might destroy it also if it is upside down in the air so you might have to add some other rules to it.
  • whycaliwhycali Member, PRO Posts: 87
    #COBGames. Thank you for starting me off. it was a close start but it didnt work the way i was planning. I am looking to make the vehicle spin back flips and front flips. So i will need it to be able to do 360 but if it lands on its head i want it to destroy.

    Thanks Again for everyone's help.
    Why Cali
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    then u want to have a rule when actor collides with ground AND self rotation > whatver

    so it only destroys when hes upsidedown and hits the ground
  • whycaliwhycali Member, PRO Posts: 87
    can you show me an example please
  • wormilwormil Member Posts: 127
    I'm uploading a demo for you. I assume you can follow what I've done.

    It's called flipped destruction demo.
  • whycaliwhycali Member, PRO Posts: 87

    I can see what you have done and i thank you for that. But i can already make the actor spin 360 degrees its just what do i use to make it destroy when it is upside down. Your demo did not destroy. I am more looking at how to setup the rule or rules.

    Why Cali
  • COBGamesCOBGames Member Posts: 114
    you could set an attribute to a certain value when it is contact with the ground and then have the rule say if attribute is true (meaning touching ground) and rotation greater than whatever then destroy actor.

    or just do like john said and say if actor collides with ground and rotation > xxx then destroy.
  • v00d0v00d0 Member Posts: 143
    You should re-work your background. A thing that i understood is use 1 single style x game. real/cartoon isn't really good i think.
  • whycaliwhycali Member, PRO Posts: 87
    #v00d0 I agree its just place holders until i get final art work done.
  • guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014
    did you try on the actor create a rule.
    when all conditions are valid:
    1.when actor collide with ground
    2.actor self rotation =?????
    destroy this actor.
  • whycaliwhycali Member, PRO Posts: 87
    I have tried almost everything that has been mentioned and i am still unable to get the snow mobile to destroy when it crashes upside down.
  • whycaliwhycali Member, PRO Posts: 87
  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    That won't work, because that instance is only for 270 degrees.

    Try this:


    Reply with results (hopefully positive!) :D

  • whycaliwhycali Member, PRO Posts: 87
    Thank you so much!!! It worked perfectly

  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    Glad I could help :)
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