Memory Usage - Seeking Expert Opinions
I am about ready to launch my game in about a week. My game has 30 levels. In the later levels of my game, my memory usage is pushing 75mb.
I am trying to decide if I should leave it as is or try and get the memory usage to 40-45mb. If I leave it as is, my game will be optimized how I want it. If not, then I may have to make some sacrifices to the design of my game which I don't really want to do.
I would like to know if any of you have had success with your games in the app store with a higher memory usage. In other words, keeping your game optimized for iPhone 4 and iPhone 3Gs. If I alienate older iOS devices, am I alienating a small share of the market or is that share of the market big enough where I should be concerned?
I am trying to decide if I should leave it as is or try and get the memory usage to 40-45mb. If I leave it as is, my game will be optimized how I want it. If not, then I may have to make some sacrifices to the design of my game which I don't really want to do.
I would like to know if any of you have had success with your games in the app store with a higher memory usage. In other words, keeping your game optimized for iPhone 4 and iPhone 3Gs. If I alienate older iOS devices, am I alienating a small share of the market or is that share of the market big enough where I should be concerned?
(Side note, how did anyone find this thing useful, it is SOOO laggy)
It's the iPod Touch.
I guess this answers my question and now I begin the quest to optimize my game to the fullest.
Also, do you know how much memory can the 3rd and 4th iPod Touch can handle? Thanks!
ARMv7 limits the app to only being available to 3rd and 4th gen devices and iPad 1 and 2
You make that selection in the advanced options when publishing.