dotsonj23 said: I really wish I could comment on this. But since I am a lawyer I cannot as it might be construed as legal advice.
Could you agree or disagree with what I say? I believe you can only use the art if the person you got it from specifies that it is OK. I don't think you can use just any from the GS software but you should see if someone can confirm this.
Here's some safe advice. It's better not to use any art that isn't explicitly public domain or that you haven't directly purchased. Just as an example, a lot of those free templates have art that is clearly copyrighted (not by the maker of the template), and its easier/safer to bypass it all rather than risk copyright infringement, or public anger (and often rightfully so). There is plenty of public domain art for free on the web, just google it.
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they are made to help you learn, not to use in your own products.
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