Random Integer not working correctly...
i made made a integer attribute, set at 0.
i have made a actor occasionally appear on screen, when you click it, it changes the value of the attribute to random(1,3)
i have made rules for what it should do, for the value of 1, 2 and 3.
however, sometimes, NOTHING happens. as if a value outside of 1-3 was chosen.
and i have no idea why this is happening, but i cant seem to fix it, i dont personally see anything wrong with what ive made, rather confusing.
any idea?
i have made a actor occasionally appear on screen, when you click it, it changes the value of the attribute to random(1,3)
i have made rules for what it should do, for the value of 1, 2 and 3.
however, sometimes, NOTHING happens. as if a value outside of 1-3 was chosen.
and i have no idea why this is happening, but i cant seem to fix it, i dont personally see anything wrong with what ive made, rather confusing.
any idea?
And you click on this actor and the random number generator happens to give you the value of 2
This will not cause a change in the value so therefore whatever rules you had in the "when attribute = 2" rule set will not run a second time. So you may want to have a second attribute (boolean) called game.CheckForRandom (or something). Then in the actor that you click on to change the random number have a rule that says change game.CheckForRandom to 1. Then in the actor that has the rules that need to be ran just wrap the current rule set in a rule that says "when game.CheckForRandom is true"
You will need to change game.CheckForRandom back to false or you will have the same problem. You could have a change attribute behavior to set it back to 0 at the end of the rule set.
Hope this helps.
i tried what you said scitunes, but it isnt working, sometimes you can get 10 working fine power-ups in a row, then 2 nulls. or a null to start off, seems to have nothing to do with the same power-up running a second time. i had the same power-up work 3 times in a row.
I have a little time spare so i could take a look.