That's kind of a broad question. Are you wanting to simulate gravity on an individual actor? "Gravity" is such a generic term. It depends on what you're trying to accomplish (is it a space game? are you in water? are you on earth?)
Sometimes when playing with gravity or other features I do this:
Create a game.attribute that's a real number.
Create an actor that when pressed change attribute game.attribute to game.attribute+ 25 (or 50, or 100 or whatever). Also, have a display text on this that displays game.attribute.
Have your main actor have Accelerate at 270 degrees at game.attribute speed.
Preview/play your game and tap the button to increase the "gravity" and see which one you like the best. You can get a feel for which gravity you like the best through gameplay.
DrGlickert said: Sometimes when playing with gravity or other features I do this:
Create a game.attribute that's a real number.
Create an actor that when pressed change attribute game.attribute to game.attribute+ 25 (or 50, or 100 or whatever). Also, have a display text on this that displays game.attribute.
Have your main actor have Accelerate at 270 degrees at game.attribute speed.
Preview/play your game and tap the button to increase the "gravity" and see which one you like the best. You can get a feel for which gravity you like the best through gameplay.
Can you be a bit more specific?
It in an actor
and for earth
Im thinking 450? but not sure
just play around with it tills it how u want
but did not know if the was a generic number
Create a game.attribute that's a real number.
Create an actor that when pressed change attribute game.attribute to game.attribute+ 25 (or 50, or 100 or whatever). Also, have a display text on this that displays game.attribute.
Have your main actor have Accelerate at 270 degrees at game.attribute speed.
Preview/play your game and tap the button to increase the "gravity" and see which one you like the best. You can get a feel for which gravity you like the best through gameplay.