creating shot gun and grenade effect.

mutinysoftmutinysoft Member Posts: 59
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
hey i have a game and i have an actor that is my bullet object.

I want to do 2 things

1. i want to create a shotgun effect where multiple bullets spawn and move in different directions (but not randomly)

2. i want to create a grenade effect where bullets spawn and move in all directions (also not randomly)

by "not randomly" i mean at set degrees apart from eachother


  • OkyshoOkysho Member Posts: 158
    You're gonna have to do it the hard way. Spawn several instances of your bullet upon shooting. Since you can assign them different angles upon spawning, it's pretty easy after that.

    As for your grenade, you can use the same technique, just make it spawn once the grenade explodes.

    If you need more info, let me know. The logic is simple enough
  • mutinysoftmutinysoft Member Posts: 59
    yea I understood doing it that way i was just wondering if there was an easier way without doing it with that super tedious technique
  • OkyshoOkysho Member Posts: 158
    I wish...

    Unfortunately not. I had to use the same technique for my shotgun behaviours...
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