Request For Preloader Art Video
First of all I am very thankful to gamesalad team for introduce this new feature preloader art.
I have few confusion related this new feature I dont know how to use this feature. I got video in gamesaladcookbook related to preloader art but its showing loading time speed only. And I read assest pre-loader art article but I am still confused.
I request to tshirtbooth or anyone else for creating small video tutoial and expalin more about this new feature.
I have few confusion related this new feature I dont know how to use this feature. I got video in gamesaladcookbook related to preloader art but its showing loading time speed only. And I read assest pre-loader art article but I am still confused.
I request to tshirtbooth or anyone else for creating small video tutoial and expalin more about this new feature.