GS has so much lag

DanielAvniDanielAvni Member Posts: 114
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
i dunno if this is just me but gamesalad gives me so much lag
is there anyway to fix this because it really pisses me of and it crashes alot. has nothing to do with my computer ether because i just got a new macbook PLEASE HELP


  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211

    Yes, it lags for everybody. There is some sort of memory leak that adds up over time. GameSalad is still in beta, and I'm sure that they are working on it.

    The best solution right now is to quit GameSalad and relaunch it every few minutes or so.

    And save often! And Save As... often! Make a few different versions of your projects just in case.
  • DanielAvniDanielAvni Member Posts: 114
    kk thanks i dont mean to be rude about it im sure they are i was just making sure its not just me
  • 8x8n88x8n8 Member, PRO Posts: 81
    Yea it takes about an hour to build up real bad for me though, so no biggie. Durn memory leaks.

    What they need to fix is the plugin is always crashing safari. Makes actually playing the games suck.
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