what do you have and prefered? imac,macbook

guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
i have to buy a apple computer but i really dont know anything about them, the thing that worries me is how good they are, had you have to fix your computer? is it expensive to fix a apple? i say one but its like just a tv everything inside, what would happened if i broke the screen, is fixable?


  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    Everything is fixable. Question is cost more than anything. Brand new mac will run you about $1,000 for a macbook. You can get a desktop for cheaper, I believe. If you're concerned about repairs then get the extended warranty (think it's usually around 10% of total cost). Otherwise, I had one problem with my mouse track pad a few years ago but it was still under warranty so they fixed it in less than a day.

    They are totally worth the cost. Mac knows how to build a solid machine.
  • guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014
    ok thanks. also on the description it say that lion is preinstalled, does this mean it will run out after some times and then i have to like buy the os separate?
  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    Nope. I think that means that the operating system that's being sold with it is Lion. Probably won't have to pay for an upgrade until they release a new operating system. Not sure what they'll call that one...maybe they'll call it Ligar?
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    Mb is gone already

    Use an MBA instead , it is awesome
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    DrGlickert said:
    ...maybe they'll call it Ligar?

    That would be awesome. And a picture of Napoleon on the box it ships in.

    Guille, do you like the portability of laptops, and would it be absolutely necessary for you to be portable? If not, I would go with the iMac. Cheapest ones start out at $1199 and it is absolutely a solid machine. Best computer i've ever owned to date. Laptops are great if you need the portability, but they run hotter, and in my experience, are a little bit slower.
  • guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014
    what MBA is? also i think iam going to guy the mini mac, is 600$ plus tax, i dont need a laptop i can work at home, i check on ebay and find cheap keyboards and mouse, and i can connected to my tv, so any of you are working with the new mac mini with the 2gb i5, is it good? i really cant afford more than 800$ :(
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    I have a Macbook Pro and my Wife has a Macbook Air (MBA)

    Both are awesome. its all in what your needs are to be honest. I would love a 27"iMac but I need to be portable so I went with a Pro. The air is sweet as hell. Super lightweight. and lightning fast.

    If your on a budget and can live with be stuck to a desk go on ebay ad buy a used mac mini. They will run GameSalad fine at most you might need to upgrade the ram.
  • dmilinovichiiidmilinovichiii Member Posts: 620
    SOOOOOOO much better than windows. Get an iMac if you want power, a macbook pro if you want a balance between power and portability, and a macbook air if you want something very portable.
  • wormilwormil Member Posts: 127
    I've been thinking of new iMac, Air, or Macbook Pro. I think I'm going to sneak some games into mac store on USB and give them a test. I need something that does what I want, not what the sales guy claims it will do. (Last time, I asked why the display MBA had nvidia and snow leopard and the guy told me intel makes the processors. I'm not sure that's what I asked.)
  • guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014
    ok it seems everyone have imac, macbook but i still dont see no one with a mac mini which is the one iam interesting, do someone have a mini mac? i really will only use it for gamesalad, as long it runs good iam ok.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    guilleface said:
    ok it seems everyone have imac, macbook but i still dont see no one with a mac mini which is the one iam interesting, do someone have a mini mac? i really will only use it for gamesalad, as long it runs good iam ok.

    My friend Jake uses a Mac Mini that's at least two years old now (I gave it to him so he could make GameSalad games).

    It works fine.


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
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  • TobyToby Member Posts: 478
    If you have the money, I'd go the macbook air, the whole macbook suite is headed in that direction anyway.

    I have an older intel iMac and a newer Macbook Pro 17 - now wishing i'd done the whole portable macbook thing long ago.

    That said i have a very toned right arm from carrying this heavy laptop around everywhere - really wishing I'd gotten the Macbook Air as my core dev machine. Its more than capable of creating iPhone / iPad games in GS.
  • wormilwormil Member Posts: 127
    I kind of was thinking it would be pretty awesome to go to Strarbuck's with a 21" iMac, plug it in and start working... :3
  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    I used to do that with my iMac G5 ( the 15 inch one ). Id go to my local library and spend hours on it ( cuz they only give you 1 hr on their computers ) so Id use the airpot on the iMac !! lol. man i was a crazy kid back then !! :-)
  • hman360hman360 Member Posts: 590
    I am also about to get a mac, what do you guys think, iMac, or Macbook, I have the money for both.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    I have a mini now, used to have bigger machines but with my current budget it is not possible to buy them anymore. I have no complaint about the performance. I can't open all applications at the same time but that is because I am to lazy to install extra memory.
    I used to have a powerbook g4 and it broke down after many years od service last months. (Video is gibberishy).
    I would like to see the new OS called Cougar, they wil attracted a whole new group of people. :)

  • MSStudiosMSStudios Member Posts: 54
    I have a Mac Mini 2.3GHz dual-core i5 4GB RAM. I know it already comes with 2GB, but, running few programs at the same time caused the machine to become really slow (e.g. Gamesalad+Illustrator+iTunes), even without Illustrator (Gamesalad+Safari+iTunes), it was slow. a 4GBN upgrade is HIGHLY recommend, or, if you have the extra cash, go with 8GB, I kinda wished I had upgraded to 8GB now, but 4GB is running fine for me :)
  • guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014
    omg really? gamesalad, safari and itunes and it gets slow? i thought everyone say apple is good i mean 3 programs should be nothing, i open so many at once on my eee pc and runs great, even on my toshiba with leopard on it it runs gamesalad, itunes, safari,and many more, that sucks but i was still thinking upgrade to 4gb, by doing that my self, will i avoid the warranty on a new computer?
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    i have an Imac, and its perfect. But if you can get a Macbook pro, that will work fine too. But if you only have enough for the low end model, I would recommend the Imac. More power for the price. Try to get as many upgraded specs as you can. The faster the better.
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