what do you have and prefered? imac,macbook
i have to buy a apple computer but i really dont know anything about them, the thing that worries me is how good they are, had you have to fix your computer? is it expensive to fix a apple? i say one but its like just a tv everything inside, what would happened if i broke the screen, is fixable?
They are totally worth the cost. Mac knows how to build a solid machine.
Use an MBA instead , it is awesome
Guille, do you like the portability of laptops, and would it be absolutely necessary for you to be portable? If not, I would go with the iMac. Cheapest ones start out at $1199 and it is absolutely a solid machine. Best computer i've ever owned to date. Laptops are great if you need the portability, but they run hotter, and in my experience, are a little bit slower.
Both are awesome. its all in what your needs are to be honest. I would love a 27"iMac but I need to be portable so I went with a Pro. The air is sweet as hell. Super lightweight. and lightning fast.
If your on a budget and can live with be stuck to a desk go on ebay ad buy a used mac mini. They will run GameSalad fine at most you might need to upgrade the ram.
It works fine.
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I have an older intel iMac and a newer Macbook Pro 17 - now wishing i'd done the whole portable macbook thing long ago.
That said i have a very toned right arm from carrying this heavy laptop around everywhere - really wishing I'd gotten the Macbook Air as my core dev machine. Its more than capable of creating iPhone / iPad games in GS.
I used to have a powerbook g4 and it broke down after many years od service last months. (Video is gibberishy).
I would like to see the new OS called Cougar, they wil attracted a whole new group of people.
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