Preload art as a Change Attribute?
Is it possible to set Preload art to false, and then fire off Preload art= true in a change attribute, say .5 seconds after the scene starts?
Because in the best practices, he says you should use change image and that Dummy image. Well as many have mentioned, that's not practical until you are pretty much done with the game.
We have actors with small base images (so the primary image is not the issue) but they have lot's of animations.
Just wondering because this wasn't mentioned in best practices.
Because in the best practices, he says you should use change image and that Dummy image. Well as many have mentioned, that's not practical until you are pretty much done with the game.
We have actors with small base images (so the primary image is not the issue) but they have lot's of animations.
Just wondering because this wasn't mentioned in best practices.
I think many are taking the TIPS portion of the best practices as law, and that's a miscommunication on my part. Using a NULL image or any shared base image for all actors that are visible at the beginning of your scene is a terrific way to shave visible time off of your scene load, but is definitely not practical if you are editing your gameplay.
In my honest opinion, you should probably wait and do your full game optimization later on in your development. Since so much is likely to change up until the point the game is feature complete it will prevent you from doing a ton of re-work. There is not a whole lot of reason to polish up a scene if it is still being prototyped and designed.
Optimization and polish can take a really long time and requires a lot of patience. Keep it up and thank you for your post.
Acorrding to Billy's best practices post and the forum post about the release, it sounds like these are true:
-non preloaded actors still show their base image if they're present, but don't load Animate or Change image assets until one of those actions are called. At that point, it loads ALL of them for that actor.
Is that right? Because im seeing base images for actors with that turned off.