So hey everyone im here... again, and im making a wall, and i already puted resistution 0 for everything and i made when collide with actor of type wall bounce but resistution 0 so it doesnt move but then the wall moves but the character stays in the same place!
May you post the attributes in the physics section? Thanks
But like if i uncheck movable it wont move down, my project is the wall moving down like a wall but it doesnt work!
Sure the walls phsics are these:
Density 1
Friction 3
Restitution 0
Fixed Rotation True
Movable True
Collision Shape Rectangle
Drag 0
Angular Drag 0
If the boat item hits the actor and starts bouncing, why not set up a rule that says if collide with wall set move to 0 or something like that.
Is it in the wall or in the actor?
And yes use interpolate to move things, it is always a great behavior
now my problem is that im making everything in one scene and first appears a test logo then the main menu but what i wanted to do is to change the camera origin but not suddenly but yes with an animation like sliding or something like that can anyone help?