Cycle Image Based on Score

nickjdaviesnickjdavies Member Posts: 1
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

In my app I want to cycle through a set of images for an actor as the score is incremented. As per below

I have 6 images A,B,C,D,E,F
I start with image A. Every 10 points I want to move along to the next image (B, then C, then D, etc..)
After 6 Incrementations I want to revert back to A and start again.

I've managed to succesfully set up a series of rules where on 10 points change to A, on 20 points change to B etc.. etc.. however this seems like more of a brute force solution and isn't very scaleable if I want to change score values upon balancing.

Can anyone suggest a more elegant alternative to this that gives me the flexibility I need?



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