Capture time played.

gold911tgold911t Member Posts: 17
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi there,

Im using the time function from the template called (pause time demo).

my problem is, how can I capture the time played.
(my game score is how many mins, seconds it will get the user to finish all the tasks.)
and what make it even harder for me, when we use the pause function...
I'm so sorry..but I cant get that to work..
any help... please :)



  • EwokPDEwokPD Member, PRO Posts: 35
    I use two attributes to record time taken to complete a level.

    Timestarted - change attribute to record the time the player starts the level.

    Gametime - the time the player take to complete the level. This I display in the level and use to record time at end of level compare with fastest etc

    Game time = system time - time started.
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