I finished my app and its on the app store but tilt dosen't work!

ashapiro914ashapiro914 Member Posts: 88
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys,
My app just recently got approved but the whole tilt to move thing was all messed up! I have got help on that before and I thought it was working because I did exacly as Tshirtbooth said to in his video and I also had someone check over all of it. Here is the link to my app http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dodge!-there-is-no-end!/id469819888?ls=1&mt=8. I know it's a dollar but if you could just help me fix it I will pay you back. It's a really fun game and I finnally got all the way but I just can not figure the rest out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks ars914


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