Collisions when two actors are contained together
Hello all,
I have a player actor that can fly along and pick up another actor (lets call it ball), both actors can collide with world walls. Imagine a helicopter calling a load underneath.
When picked up the 'ball' actor hovers under the player actors by 50 units
However when the ball actor is picked up and flying along below the player actor, collision detection no longer seems to work on the ball actor so if i fly to ground level the ball travels through the ground without a care in the world
Now i could fix this by saying when ball is picked up make player actor bigger and do an image swap to counter stretching, i assume this would then use the collision detection on the player. But it feels a bit like a hack to me. And it is untested so not sure it would work smoothly
So is there a neater and better way to keep collisions working on an actor that is constrained to another?
Thanks for any suggestions
I have a player actor that can fly along and pick up another actor (lets call it ball), both actors can collide with world walls. Imagine a helicopter calling a load underneath.
When picked up the 'ball' actor hovers under the player actors by 50 units
However when the ball actor is picked up and flying along below the player actor, collision detection no longer seems to work on the ball actor so if i fly to ground level the ball travels through the ground without a care in the world
Now i could fix this by saying when ball is picked up make player actor bigger and do an image swap to counter stretching, i assume this would then use the collision detection on the player. But it feels a bit like a hack to me. And it is untested so not sure it would work smoothly
So is there a neater and better way to keep collisions working on an actor that is constrained to another?
Thanks for any suggestions
While the collision rule of the picked up object no longer work under a constrain, the overlap still detects so i had to basically drop the ball every time it hit some thing, this turns collisions back on on the ball and it won't pass through the ground.
I also had to keep the player from picking up the ball too low, otherwise again it would go through the ground so now the player can 'suck' the ball unto the ship and carry it around, but if the ball hits anything it loses connection.
Now however i have a problem with the ball. When i release it from the ships grasp it maintains the velocity of the ship and falls under its own gravity setting, however now if it hits a wall it sticks to it and begins to climb up the wall.... very odd.. must be some thing in the rules of the ball... anyone ever had an object self climb walls before? If some one wants to do a spider man game i have a great actor for you!
I was using a change attribute to try and save on constrains which gave the ball the desired movement but also some strange wall climbing abilities. Not entirely sure why?