Saving changes in a previous scene when moving to next?

0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys,

I pretty much have two major scenes, one that is the game itself, where you defend a base from waves of enemies, when you hit so many points, it changes scene to a "shop scene" where you can purchase upgrades, when you purchase a upgrade, a image of "already purchased" appears over the buy option, and disables the ability to purchase the same upgrade twice.

heres the problem, when returning back to the game, and continue playing until the player gets another opportunity to buy more upgrades from the shop, the scene appears to have reset, already purchased upgrades have the ability to be purchased again, and the "already purchased" image is no longer there from previously bought upgrades.

how do i tackle this issue? is this where "loading/saving attributes" come into play? but their not exactly attributes.... just wondering how i can return to the shop with the current changes saved, instead of it resetting it, as it would appear to be doing.

thanks guys


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