Not destroying

EagleoneEagleone Member Posts: 97
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have actor A which goes towards actor B. Once actor A collides with actor B, both actors are supposed to destroy. My problem is that only actor B gets destroyed and actor A keeps on going.

For both characters I have:
When actor A collides/overlaps with actor B - DESTROY (and vise versa)

No idea what's up, but some help would be appreciated.



  • ShineyGamesShineyGames Member Posts: 157
    Sound like one is getting destroy before the other
    You could put a timer in ther but i would put a self attibute in both
    A hit one
    Rule if a overlapses with b change self attibute hit to true
    Rule if hit is true destroy?
    This many work but there many be a better way of doing it
  • EagleoneEagleone Member Posts: 97
    I actually have this working already with these 2 actors, but I need another 2 actors doing the same thing so I copied and pasted the first two actors, and now the the copied actors don't work. Weird, same code same everything.

    Thanks Shiney
  • ShineyGamesShineyGames Member Posts: 157
    Sometimes the copy and pasted can be abit funny and playup
    Ps are the two actors moving faster or slower?
  • EagleoneEagleone Member Posts: 97
    One actor is standing still, the other actor is going towards it at a set speed.

    I just don't understand why the 2 copied actors are not working when the first 2 actors are working fine. I've been trying to solve this for about 6hrs now and I've got nowhere.

    I've also tried creating the actors who are not working from scratch, without them being copies, but still no good. Arghh, so frustrating!!!!
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