High Quality, Free Music

I'm biased, because I own the site, but Sakari Infinity has been running with free, high-quality music for nearly 8 years.
There are over 50 composers who have contributed to the nearly 500 songs on the site. There's certainly something for everyone.
It's completely free, as long as your game will be free. And, of course, we love being in the credits.
There are over 50 composers who have contributed to the nearly 500 songs on the site. There's certainly something for everyone.
It's completely free, as long as your game will be free. And, of course, we love being in the credits.

All music published on the site is under the same license, which prohibits commercial use, but that's not to say that there's no other songs by those artists that are not on the site.
Hmm... "Non-free"? Oh, you mean how you can go to the website, download any of the music, and not have to pay anything "non-free"?
You want free? Do free. You want to get paid? Pay. That's the way the world works, dude. Welcome to it. Plus I did mention "pro bono". If you're not familiar with that term, it means "for free".
The site contains nothing but totally free music. To indicate otherwise would be a lie.
Plus there is no system set up to collect or distribute money, nor are there ads on the site. No one is making a penny off of this site. It's free.