GS 0.9.8 and Scrolling scene problem...

sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi there :)

After installed the 0.9.80 Gamesalad Creator update, i have a problem with my scrolling scene.

=> I use my finger to move on my scene like in the angry birds game...
I constrain the X and Y position if i drag with my finger and if drag =0 i constrain the X and Y LinearVelocity to self.Linear Velocity.X*0.95 & self.Linear Velocity.Y*0.95 (Scrolling slowing down if i don't drag)

The self.Linear Velocity.X*0.95 &self.Linear Velocity.Y*0.95 worked good in the last version of GS Creator, but now, if i don't drag, the velocity is always the same... (don't change)

Please help....


  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
    Working good on the GS viewer (on mac) but not good on the device...
  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
    I found the bug...
    I created an actor displaying text.

    This text is :
    When mouse is down, display text "DOWN"
    display text "UP"

    On the computer (viewer) all is ok, if i click on the mouse, the display text is down and if i realease, the display text is up.

    On the device :
    When mouse (mean finger) is down, the text is both UP+DOWN! (Not OK)
    When mouse (mean finger) is up, the text is UP (OK)

    I corrected the issue using that way :

    BEFORE (not working) :

    AFTER (working, camera slowing down when finger is up) :
    Using a separate rule for the slowing down expression is OK.

    Hope that helps!

  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Yup... you are correct...there is a bug. I mentioned it in the 0.9.8 yellow stickied thread, and reported it through the bug reporter.

    After a few tests, the bug was confirmed by one of the GS testers and has been logged to be fixed.

    Im not sure when it'll actually get fixed, so I ended up just removing my otherwise portions of the rules, and adding a seperate rule, the same as youve done.

    The bug is something to do with an incorrectly stored touch/mouse press thats messing up the otherwise portion of the rule.
  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
    Yeah, but that mean when a new gamesalad creator version is out, you have to test again ALL your game from the start and se if ALL your actors are ok... :S
  • InLikeFlynnInLikeFlynn Member Posts: 171
    Thanks for posting your fix. I was having the same problem.
  • LaurenSaladLaurenSalad Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 650
    Check out news on the upcoming patch:

    And as always, thank you for reporting your issues!
  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
    Thanks Lauren for the info :)

    You're welcome! Pleasure to give tips when i can ;)

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