What's the problem will be habbened if my game is later than 20MB

DavisanDavisan Member Posts: 20
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
"games larger than 20mb may exhibit performance issues in gamesalad acrade. consider reducing this project's size before publishing your game to arcade."
Basically, an IOS game is hundreds of MB, so what's the problem will be happened if my game is lager than 20MB, and wha's the worst issues?


  • mu-kowAPPSmu-kowAPPS Member Posts: 233
    well. the biggest thing is that you cannot download a game over 20mb over the 3G network. That means people will only be able to download your game if they have WIFI access. example: joe sitting on the train is messing with his phone because he is bored... sees your game, to big to download... keeps looking for other games. in other words, you will likely be missing out on the majority of your sales.
  • DavisanDavisan Member Posts: 20
    U r right.
    By the way.
    Is there any problems on GS when my game is lager than 20MB?
    'cause it said "may exhibit performance issues ", GS will be slower? or other issues?
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    That 20 mb limi is only when exporting to html5 and uploading to gs arcade. In all other respects the size does not matter.
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