revert to 0.9.71

gambetgambet Member Posts: 38
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
We are experiencing performance problems on our game with 0.9.8. creator
Is there any way to download or revert gs to 0.9.71 (we have the viewer)?


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    hey there,

    no you cant. Becuase once the update has been sent out, the gs servers change to the newest version. So If even if you had the .dmg of the 0.9.7 version and made your game once you publish it will turn to 0.9.8 and behave however it does in that version.
  • chicopchicop Member Posts: 263
    So even though i have not updated GS.. i did a adhoc build and that build is 0.9.8??
  • EwokPDEwokPD Member, PRO Posts: 35
    I found the 0.9.7 version in my trash and am using that for now as 0.9.8 is completely unusable on my current project. If you have saved your project you can't take it back to the old version But I can't see a problem using the old software till the bugs are fixed in the new build?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    chicop said:
    So even though i have not updated GS.. i did a adhoc build and that build is 0.9.8??

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    it doesn't matter what version you use to work with, when you hit publish you will get a .9.8 project back, you're better off just working with the new one to resolve any issues, more than 50% of issues between versions are user error.
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