Question about Mac App Store game performance...

delorianhayzedelorianhayze Member Posts: 55
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey all, I'm very new to GameSalad and have a quick question for you.
I've read a lot about performance issues with GameSalad on iphone apps- but what about Mac App Store games? The game I want to make might be quite large (namely in the music and voice acting arena). It will probably also have bloated "code" because I'm new and still learning. So does making an app for the Mac App Store allow for more "actors" and particles, etc.? Does it help the performance? Thanks so much for any help you can give!


  • ericdg123ericdg123 Member, PRO Posts: 156
    Absolutely. Almost any mac will be much faster and have more memory than the fastest phone. When I make a mac version of my iphone games I usually include more particles or some other more CPU intensive task.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    delorianhayze said:
    The game I want to make might be quite large (namely in the music and voice acting arena). It will probably also have bloated "code" because I'm new and still learning.

    The bigger problem might be uploading the game. While working on BOT, I had to redo many of the images. The game was simply too large to upload to GameSalad. It kept timing out when I tried to upload about 160 MB. I had to reduce the color palettes of the background images, which dramatically reduced the size of the game.
  • delorianhayzedelorianhayze Member Posts: 55
    Thanks guys much appreciated. Btw love the book you wrote photics! Its helped me out greatly!
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