For those of us who know objective-c....

mikelowemikelowe Member Posts: 177
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Just thinking, game salad should add an "open source" license that allows you to view your code/gives you an Xcode project. I think it would be nice to learn from and know WHAT your app really looks like.


  • bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500
    Ya I've always thought that too...but then it would nullify GS bc we could just take the source code and compile/publish with xcode
  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    If you know objective-c, do you really even need to be using GS?
  • MammothMammoth Member Posts: 640
    BlackbirdStudios said:
    If you know objective-c, do you really even need to be using GS?

    I know several programming languages and GS is a great tool to prototype and take off 90% of the work needed to code a game from scratch.
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    BlackbirdStudios said:
    If you know objective-c, do you really even need to be using GS?

    yes, because GS is way faster then coding
  • mikelowemikelowe Member Posts: 177
    I for one know objective-c, well enough to understand and write a lot of it, but not well enough to build a game as complex as those in GS (physics, scrolling, etc). I would love to see how a GS game is coded. I have learned many things from GS, that I can eventually apply to my objective-c programming, such as how to use magnitude and distance related functions, ceil, floor, how to use randomness. GS has developed my thinking as a programmer. Right now, I am fine using GS as my game making program because of its speed, but eventually, I will need to know how to code it all out. Hopefully someday I can see what the the code for my games looks like...
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