Going pro

EbreezeEbreeze Member, PRO Posts: 481
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello ,

I am still using 0.9.7 and it's going pretty smooth, but I would like to upgrade to Pro soon and am weary about using 0.9.8......can I still have the pro options while still in 0.9.7?

If someone knows please respond...if not I'll have to wait for the next update and hope for the best

Thank you!!


  • EbreezeEbreeze Member, PRO Posts: 481
    Nice...thanks tshirt

    Yeah Ive published since the release of 0.9.8 and it works fine ...
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    EBreeze .... Dont go pro. Dont fork over another dime to GS. They dont deserve another dime if they are just gonna set around in beta for years. They have taken a long list of wishes and wants from people and prioritized them pourly. Everything that deals with performance and stability is shuffled in between things that could be put on hold. Granted something that assist in expanding the imagination of game building.. such as tables and joints are important. IAP and GameCenter and Acheivments and so many others should be placed at the bottom of the pile until performance and stability are above par. I bought pro. I regret it now. GS is great and has great potential. But they are not worthy of my 500$ until performance and stability are mastered.
  • pixel_knightspixel_knights Member Posts: 50
    I guess it depends on what "pro" feature you need. For me, pro is a real let-down as I really wanted custom splash screen, and on iPad, they just don't work properly. So I'm paying $500 to beta test features that I didn't go pro for :(
  • EbreezeEbreeze Member, PRO Posts: 481
    No custom splash screen on iPad pro user? Does anyone else know about this?
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Ebreeze said:
    No custom splash screen on iPad pro user? Does anyone else know about this?

    You do get it on the iPad but there is a bug with it, it displays for about a second and then the screen goes white for the remainder of the load time!
  • EbreezeEbreeze Member, PRO Posts: 481
    Duuu ehhh ...hmm ..I think I'll wait until these things are hammered out
  • mu-kowAPPSmu-kowAPPS Member Posts: 233
    IAP is a utility for monetizing our games. I dont do this because im passionate about making games. If game salad expands monetizing, then more serious people will be interested and will be willing to go pro.
  • gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
    Yeah would have to agree with geffnichols,knowing what I know now I wish I hadn't of spent the money for pro,no were near worth the money.major issues they take forever to release new updates that always come with new bugs that ruin the game your making.like this update was meant to sort out performance,it did to a certain degree,but only if you use the pre load art function,other than that no difference to performance at all,now no sounds on my game,so next month you'll get an update to fix the sound bug and the month after you'll get another update which in turn will be full of bugs,and ruin your game once more.I also think if your gona wait for them to sort this program out you'll also be waiting forever.
  • svnsvn Member Posts: 445
    So Pro isn't worth the money right now? Shame. 'Course, I haven't published a single game to the App Store. So I guess I oughta wait. Man, I can't wait for the rush that comes after the satisfaction of publishing the culmination of yours and others (usually) hard work.
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