SlickZeroHouston, TexasMember, Sous ChefPosts: 2,870
Yeah, this is insane. I never understood why they do this. Nobody is going to click their links and buy their products. And if they are doing it just for placement on Google, it's usually found and deleted before it does them any good.
tenrdrmer... any idea when the new forum software will come into play? It's desperately needed now, not only for this incident, but for proper searching and such.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
RKS said: You have to ban ip and ban user to get them gone for long enough, even can result in closing the forum long enough to delete (not close) the posts.
RKS said: No, they just need a couple plugins (spam blocker, (hint hint) signatures, etc. They have a good forum but they need plugins. Edit: srry tenrdrmer was talking to Jadar. He asked what should be done, I know sous would know, but Jadar apparently didn't so I answered his question.
The forum is crap ... hence why they're looking at new forum software currently
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
Man this sucks I just looked and the second page is covered as well I have deleted a ton already. Grr. GS better finally realize why they need email verification on new accounts.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
Well they are all taken care of for the most part. Someone came in deleting threads without banning them so no dice on getting those user accounts banned. But anyway all the spam seems to be goneI got the IP and most users banned. over 15 user accounts all on the same IP.
Come on GameSalad please will you now setup email verification for accounts
And thanks tenrdrmer, for being on top of it, and deleting those bastages.
Come on GameSalad please will you now setup email verification for accounts