ExactlyGamingEGExactlyGamingEG Member Posts: 18
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
ok so in my game i am trying to have it so when level one is completed, the check on the levels screen will change from not visible to visible, but for some reason it won't work, i tried changing the size to make sure the attributes were working and that worked fine but i need to change from not visible to visible. please help thanks!


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    The 'Visible' attribute cannot be change during runtime ,
    you can change the actor's 'alpha' attribute to 0 for 'invisible' and to 1 for visible ,
    another way to make it will be to move the actor off screen , something like
    change self.position.x to -100 , but if it has any collision rules you better use the 'alpha' method .

  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    If you want to have a check on the level menu, after the level is completed, have it spawn the check actor, that works too. I don't know if it is more efficient, but it makes for less things to load when the scene starts... Just have a boolean attribute, Rule: When game.level1Completed is True, Spawn Actor Check.
  • ExactlyGamingEGExactlyGamingEG Member Posts: 18
    i've tried the spawn actor and it never worked either, but ill try the aplha maybe that'll work ill repost later today whether it works or not
  • ExactlyGamingEGExactlyGamingEG Member Posts: 18
    Thank you so much the alpha change works!!!!
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