Apple rejected my latest game because of the gamecenter graphics

My latest game was just rejected because it was using the gamecenter wood&green felt graphics in the Leaderboard button. I told them that my other games had been rejected because they were listed as using gamecenter and didn't show it. They said using the logo on a button to trigger a gamecenter action was appropriate but that duplicating the whole wood/green felt/yellow font was not appropriate.
I am coming up with a drop-in replacement I can use in all my games without making any code changes, but other people may want to take precautions as well...
I am coming up with a drop-in replacement I can use in all my games without making any code changes, but other people may want to take precautions as well...
Try to make it to look exactly as your game (using similar graphics and color schemes) and it will look really good on your game.
【ツ】iPhone Icon Pack (compatible with DBA Icon Creator) 【ツ】 - 【ツ】Graphic Pack【ツ】
Free GS demo: High score simple and advanced; Game Center; App Rating System; Custom Font Score and Countdown; Advanced Snap to Grid
But the GameSalad people should update their sample template so other people don't get rejected too...
They must have a new guy at Apple who is a bit to strict. (sarcasm).
Lump Apps and My Assets