Shooting in high gravity...

delorianhayzedelorianhayze Member Posts: 55
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey everybody!
Quickie- I had to set my scene with high gravity. It's the only way my blocks fall properly (physics wise). Problem is, when my character shoots their weapon, the bullet doesn't shoot horizontally. Instead its attracted to the ground. Is there a way to turn off gravity for certain objects/actors? I set my gravity to 1500 because the physics seem more realistic that way.
Any help would be, as always, greatly appreciated! Many thanks!


  • liamoliamo Member Posts: 191
    Try getting it to accelerate faster than the gravity value, that might work, i don't know for sure, good luck!
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    you cant turn off gravity on selected objects with scene gravity. But what most of us do is just leave the scene gravity 0, and whatever actors you want to have gravity have a acceleration behavior in them going down. Then you can put that in whatever you want to have gravity and whatver you dont wont have gravity

    hope that helps
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