Timer not responding

SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Please tell me it's just me, but the timer does not work for me at all, for anything. Anybody else getting this?

Im even using a blank project, and setting the timer to change an attribute from 1 to 2, and it does not respond. Maybe a re-install of GameSalad is in order.


  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    It's working for me. This is an interesting bug eh? :-)
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Okay, cool. At least I know now it's something on my end. Now to figure out what…

    Thanks, Braydon.
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    No problem, I would reinstall it if I were you, just to be safe. It could also save you some time.
  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    How are you using the timer?

    After 5 seconds:
    Change attribute game.attribute to game.attribute+1

    Do you have "Run to completion checked"?

    Are you trying to do animation with it? Because animation needs to be "For x seconds": animate
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Originally i was trying to change an attribute for 2 seconds. It was a character moving at a set velocity, and when you press at the arrow key, for 2 seconds it would do double speed. It worked with no timer as long as I held the button down, but as soon as I put in a timer to tell it to do that speed for 2 seconds, it just didn't respond at all.

    The timer test was just...after 5 seconds change (integer)attribute.counter to 2. And it was originally set to 1. Didn't respond to that either.

    I re-installed GameSalad, and restarted my computer, and I can get the timer to work on it's own now, but it still doesn't respond to changing the speed attribute in the game I'm working on. I'm doing it the way i always did it before, but i think the updates have changed the way logic responds now. Or something. Gotta learn new ways of doing things. Which is cool with me.
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