Hi , i wondered if its possible to change an actor into another actor , like for example in overlapping or colliding with a powerup then changing into another actor for some time..
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
Use the change image behavior, it will make the image look different.
Rule: When actor overlaps or collides with powerup, Change image, (whatever image you want)
*then put whatever you want the actor to do in that rule, like a timer.*
Yeah thanks , allthough i thought of that possibility as well , but i also want the actor to become stronger so it can destroy bigger enemies with one hit ( and make the animation of the enemy destroy different ) and not only look different.
The image (collidable)size can stay the same , so i could use the change image behavior initially But to achieve the rest i probably also have to use some change attributes in that rule as well. Do you maybe know if this would be possible and if so what how would i use them ?
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
Yeah sure its possible:
IF you have an attribute for how many hits it takes to kill an enemy, just reduce it by how strong you want the actor to be.
For example: in that rule, put this
Change attribute game.howmanytodie to 1. If originally it was game.howmanytodie = 3. See :-)
That is just an example, but the rule doesn't have an end, if you put a whole lot of stuff in there, it will still act as a rule. :-)
Rule: When actor overlaps or collides with powerup,
Change image, (whatever image you want)
*then put whatever you want the actor to do in that rule, like a timer.*
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The image (collidable)size can stay the same , so i could use the change image behavior initially
But to achieve the rest i probably also have to use some change attributes in that rule as well.
Do you maybe know if this would be possible and if so what how would i use them ?
IF you have an attribute for how many hits it takes to kill an enemy, just reduce it by how strong you want the actor to be.
For example: in that rule, put this
Change attribute game.howmanytodie to 1. If originally it was game.howmanytodie = 3.
See :-)
That is just an example, but the rule doesn't have an end, if you put a whole lot of stuff in there, it will still act as a rule. :-)
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One more question though
When attribute game.changeanimation is true (then hit the plus sign next to it)
*AND* when it overlaps or collides with the main actor with powerup,
Animation behavior then goes in there.
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