How do you make a boomerang

NtGNtG Member Posts: 103
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, just downloaded this today (had a game idea pop in my head overnight). I'm wondering how i would go about making a boomerang like object that would accelerate out of the main character towards a mouse click and then, at a certain distance, return to the character. Anybody have any experience doing something like this?


  • NtGNtG Member Posts: 103
    its not too advanced for me haha, i have some programming experience and managed to figure it out by myself in that amount of time. I appreciate the quick response tho, nice to know that people are helpful on here. :)
  • NtGNtG Member Posts: 103
    Actually, I have a second question, how would i make a character's image change relative to the position of the boomerang? Like say i throw the boomerang to the left then i want the character's image to face left, and same thing if im throwing to the right
  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    touch1 X > PlayerX
    ChangeImage to "FaceRightImage"

    touch1 X < PlayerX
    ChangeImage to "FaceLeftImage"
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