Make actors spawn more frequently.

Falcon636Falcon636 Member Posts: 5
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi, I'm new to Game Salad, and I've been trying to create a "Fruit Ninja sword effect" within the app. Using the Fruit Ninja demo for reference, I have successfully created a working demo.

However. It only looks perfect if you move the cursor slowly. (see image 1)

I would like to know how to spawn the light.png actor more frequently, to provide a much smoother effect when dragging quickly. As it is, the light breaks up sand you see the balls of light individually. (see image 2)

Finally, please try to keep your responses simple! I'm new to this whole thing, and I have NO idea what "attributes" are, or most of the other things. Thank you! :D

Image 1:
Image 2:
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