Collecting Stars?
Good evening,
my first app comes to an end. The last thing to do is to create this:
I made my first app a simple and classic one, you have to jump on walls and collect the stars.
I want to do it like all other apps.
On the top of the view you have 3 uncoloured stars, if the actor gets one, one star at the top gets filled with a color, I think everyone knows what I am trying to say..
My first Idea was to create a Collide Rule, when the actor hits the star, destroy the star. But then?
Thanks ...
my first app comes to an end. The last thing to do is to create this:
I made my first app a simple and classic one, you have to jump on walls and collect the stars.
I want to do it like all other apps.
On the top of the view you have 3 uncoloured stars, if the actor gets one, one star at the top gets filled with a color, I think everyone knows what I am trying to say..
My first Idea was to create a Collide Rule, when the actor hits the star, destroy the star. But then?
Thanks ...
When collide with Actor, destroy actor, and change attribute game.StarCollect#1 to true.
Now put the stars in the scene, then open them from the scene, unlock them, then change the change attribute to a different attribute, like starCollect#2. I haven't tested this, but I think this should work.
When collide with Actor, change attribute game.StarCollect to game.StarCollect + 1, timer: after 0.001 seconds, destroy actor.
Now have an actor with the same image as the star, have this in the rules:
Rule: When Attribute game.StarCollect > 0:
Change attribute self.Color.Alpha to 1
Replicate direction right, copies game.StarCollect.
After that put that actor on a non-scrollable layer, in the top right corner at the edge. Make sure it's alpha is set to 0, and try it.
1, What do you mean with Replicate direction right, copies game.StarCollect??
2, When I set the second star Alpha to 0, the star doesnt get seen, I want to see the outline, and after the characer collects the star, the other star ( with only the outline first) gets filled with blue or green or...
But what Jadar tryed to say to me doesn't work