Strange Problems since latest GS?

0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
With one of my enemies, i copied the actor and renamed it so i had another version of it, using it for a different scene, it had a self attribute "" set to 5. the copied version of it, states it has a "" value of 5, like it should do. but when i preview the game it actually has a value of "0". so ive had to change the value to "10" to tackle this odd issue.


  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447

    Thanks for pointing this out. You may want to submit this through out Contact form as well. I'm going to pass this on to QA to review, but using the Contact form would be a great help as well. Thanks!

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