Complex Highscore Saving Question
when a player loses on my game, the overall score is affected by multiple factors,
Base Score
Remaining Lives
Remaining Money
Difficulty Bonus
displaying the overall score is no problem, im using:
When Attribute Game.Easy is True
"Display Text"
Remaining Lives*100+Base Score+ Remaining Money+500
When Attribute Game.Medium is True
"Display Text"
Remaining Lives*100+Base Score+ Remaining Money+1000
and so on for hard difficulty, however, how do i save this as a highscore?
before the multiple variables affecting the overall score, i just had:
When attribute Game.Score > Game.Highscore
Change Attribute
Game.Highscore to Game.Score
Save attribute
but how can i do this with the score formula i have? in the field "when attribute game.score" you cant add an expression, which i need to make the overall score.
any ideas?
Base Score
Remaining Lives
Remaining Money
Difficulty Bonus
displaying the overall score is no problem, im using:
When Attribute Game.Easy is True
"Display Text"
Remaining Lives*100+Base Score+ Remaining Money+500
When Attribute Game.Medium is True
"Display Text"
Remaining Lives*100+Base Score+ Remaining Money+1000
and so on for hard difficulty, however, how do i save this as a highscore?
before the multiple variables affecting the overall score, i just had:
When attribute Game.Score > Game.Highscore
Change Attribute
Game.Highscore to Game.Score
Save attribute
but how can i do this with the score formula i have? in the field "when attribute game.score" you cant add an expression, which i need to make the overall score.
any ideas?