Randomly placing clouds?

mrglocklingmrglockling Member Posts: 258
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Ok so im not sure if this is a good place to post this but i did anway.
Im having trouble doing this.
so i want clouds to be randomly place in a (perfect or almost perfect line) and im want thim randomly spaced between each cloud. also i have 15 different clouds that i want it to switch through randomly. if anyone can help that would be awesome :)
Thanks- Mrglockling


  • mrglocklingmrglockling Member Posts: 258
    Alright thanks!! I'll try that
  • mrglocklingmrglockling Member Posts: 258
    My screen is a normal ipod height in landscape but its very long my game will be kinda based off the idea of tinywings but have a lot of different things to it so this is one thig i really need help with is the camara and some other things :)
  • markovmarkov Member Posts: 20
    I have one question here,if i make the same thing with clouds and also have an accelerate behaviour for the clouds to slowly go from right to left ,when the clouds pass the screen do i have to destroy them for RAM issues or does this happen automaticaly?thanks!
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