Motion Bug 0.9.80

svnsvn Member Posts: 445
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I used Tshirtbooth's online tutorial on how to make objects rotate around a particular object. So I followed it. I have one large circle, a Gear. I have to Behaviors: Change Attribute: Game. GearX to self.Position.X and Change Attribute: Game.GearY to self.Position.Y.

Then, in the block that orbits it, I have two rules: Constrain Attribute: Self.Position.X to 100*cos(self.Time^200%360) and Constrain Attribute: Self.Position.Y to 100*sin(self.Time^200%360). When I try to Preview it, it randomly jukes around for a few seconds before GameSalad crashes. I tried it 5 times with the same results by the time of this post.


  • svnsvn Member Posts: 445
    Oh. But in your online demo, you used ^ not * between self.Time and 200.

    By the way, in the space between * and 200, is that a negative sign?
    EDIT: Never mind the second question, I checked and it IS a negative. Thanks Tshirt.

    Thanks for your timely answer, and regards,
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