Best Mac for GS
I was wondering how much RAM and Hard Drive will run Xcode and GS the best. I am looking on craigslist and I have found a lot of 250 gb and a few 750 gb that have been upgraded. As for ram, most have 1-2 while others have either 4 or even 8. I am only interested in an iMac and Macbook Pro. If they each have the same ram and hd, which would be the better choice?
Just my 2 cents
If you really really want the best mac for gs get a mac pro,
heres a link with the perfect specs:
or just a standard mac pro,
or use a macbook pro like me
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if you are looking for best performance i suggest you get ssd , cause hdd is slow on big projects,
for example , i have 2 macs , mac mini (hdd) and macbook pro (ssd)
and opening my game Spin The Nut (very big project) on high end 2011 macbook pro takes about 10 seconds , in my mac mini it takes about 60 seconds ! very frustrating on regular basis .
my suggestion will be to purchase your mac with 128GB ssd , then buy 8GB at $65 - Kingston/Cruical like @lildragn said , and you have a blast !
If you need extra space , for storage , buy a 500-1000GB external USB drive .
You really need a lot of ram too
i suggest maybe however much you need sad and about 6-12gb ram
Im saying this cause iv'e been testing GS on macs with ssd and with hdd ,
and macs with 4 ram and with 8 ram .
The biggest change was from ssd , not only about GS , but for the overall process of making games , photoshop , illustrator , iMovie , and on and on , if you use only 2 heavy programs at the same time 4 ram will be enough (although i suggest 8 ram) but ssd will make the big difference .
yes that would be good
I think 8G and 16 won't matter, and for the SSD, I have not use it b4, but I think it will help(but thise things are expensive!)