Okay yes it is powerful hardware like the ipad2.But the truth is apple is hiding these chips on ipad2 and 4s are pretty much underclocked to save battery life and yes it can effieciently carry the load on 4 cores.But it wont never run to its real potential.Actually the gpu on these devices can reach very high rates but apple has limited it for 2 in cores only.
For me what I found interesting about the article was the fact that it could mean the end for the independent developer or at least a new expectation from consumers that iPhone games should all be very high end.
In the past iPhone games had to be simple because the processor could not handle heavy duty games but with the power of the new iPhone and the big name developers such as Epic, Sony, etc pushing the games up to such a level in terms of graphics, etc and the marketing power they have what chance do simple games have ?
Thing is. even on platforms like the DS, and the PSP...there were always "indie style" games, along-side the aaa titles from bigger studios (and that was with all the restrictions to entry those would have faced)
The xbox 360 has a thriving indie scene.
I wouldn't worry too much.
One thing to note though...we should ALL be striving to make games as "high-end" as we can with whatever tools we use. As long as the end product plays well, and looks good, job done. There will always be a market for games that are playable, and look nice...but are not big budget 3d monsters, or licensed product.
What worries me, is app devs who seem to think a game that looks and plays worse than an amiga pd demo from 1990 is good enough to sell on the app-store....but that is getting off topic a little...a discussion for another time maybe.
Okay yes it is powerful hardware like the ipad2.But the truth is apple is hiding these chips on ipad2 and 4s are pretty much underclocked to save battery life and yes it can effieciently carry the load on 4 cores.But it wont never run to its real potential.Actually the gpu on these devices can reach very high rates but apple has limited it for 2 in cores only.
In the past iPhone games had to be simple because the processor could not handle heavy duty games but with the power of the new iPhone and the big name developers such as Epic, Sony, etc pushing the games up to such a level in terms of graphics, etc and the marketing power they have what chance do simple games have ?
even on platforms like the DS, and the PSP...there were always "indie style" games, along-side the aaa titles from bigger studios (and that was with all the restrictions to entry those would have faced)
The xbox 360 has a thriving indie scene.
I wouldn't worry too much.
One thing to note though...we should ALL be striving to make games as "high-end" as we can with whatever tools we use. As long as the end product plays well, and looks good, job done.
There will always be a market for games that are playable, and look nice...but are not big budget 3d monsters, or licensed product.
What worries me, is app devs who seem to think a game that looks and plays worse than an amiga pd demo from 1990 is good enough to sell on the app-store....but that is getting off topic a little...a discussion for another time maybe.